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Commissioning of Two Portable Isolation Chambers

Monday, July 27, 2020


Emergency Plus Medical Services (E-Plus) Commissions 2 Portable
Isolation Chambers for COVID-19 Patient Evacuations.

With increasing cases of COVID-19 infections in the Country, Portable Isolation Chambers will ensure safe
evacuation and reduce risk of contamination to both patients and ambulance crew during evacuation.

Nairobi, Kenya, Monday 27th July 2020: E-Plus has done it again! With the rising cases of
COVID-19 infection transmission among the frontline responders, E-Plus has increased its
capacity to respond and safely evacuate suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 by acquiring
and commissioning of two portable isolation chambers. This comes at a time when the country is
strained by the increasing rate of the positive cases being registered on daily basis and increase in
a number of healthcare providers contracting the virus.

“E-Plus has been in the forefront undertaking evacuations to assist the government in COVID19 mitigation efforts through provision of safe evacuations for suspected and confirmed cases and
as such, these units will boost our capacity to respond effectively and safely including regionally
with reduced exposure to our ambulance team. They will be part of our advanced cardiac life
support ambulance equipment. E-plus has plans to equip all its advanced cardiac life support units
with the portable isolation chambers. The adoption of the isolation chambers will mitigate and
reduce the risk of contamination and infection hence creating a safe working environment for our
ambulance crew as well as the patients” Mrs Susan Ng’ong’a, E-Plus’ Managing Director remarked.

Speaking during commissioning session, Mrs Ng’ong’a said that the portable isolation chamber is
a single patient unit that is designed to transport a contaminated patient or a patient with a risk of
biological contamination so as to aid in reducing the risk of contamination during evacuation. The
unit also protects the external environment from any contamination that can occur during
transportation of the patient.
“As key players in the health sector, especially in the area of Emergency Medical Services provision,
we have taken up the challenge to ensure that we play a key role in reducing the spread of the
novel disease.” She added.
Dr. Christine Memusi, the Medical Director for E-Plus while demonstrating functionality of the
unit said that the portable isolation chamber work in negative pressures for the transport of
contaminated patients, and can also work in positive pressures to assist patients that might be
E-Plus paramedics and ambulance operators have taken a thorough training on the application of
the newly acquired Portable Isolation Chambers and they will also undertake refresher training
before deployment.
E-Plus continues to play a critical role in addressing pre-hospital care in the country while actively
pursuing innovative approaches in the health system. In May 2020, E-Plus launched its
telemedicine platform, eDoc where patients can access clinical services virtually.
About E-Plus
E-Plus is the largest private Emergency Medical Services and pre-hospital care provider in the East
and Central Africa, with 128 fleet of superior, fully equipped state-of-the-art ambulances, manned
by highly qualified paramedics and experienced in pre- hospital care. We remain committed to
quality emergency medical services to all Kenyans at all times.

For further information, contact: Titus Kisangau, PR and Communications Officer,
Mobile: +254-703 610 989, Email: [email protected]


Isolation chamber


Popo Road Off Mombasa Road

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